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Would Parents Welcome a new Charvil Pre-School?

Charvil is the largest village in Wokingham without a Pre-school or Nursery. Would people like to see this change?

As part of its 5-year plan, Charvil Parish Council (CPC) is undertaking a survey in order to understand the potential future requirements for early years education within the village.

 Charvil has not had a pre-school since the one in Jubilee Hall closed in 2017.   CPC is keen to understand if residents are interested now – or will be in the future (early 2020’s) – in pre-school places in Charvil. If you can let us know the current need we can apply that to the future requirement.

Charvil Church Berkshire
Jubilee Hall – home of the old Charvil Pre-school

 Please provide your full Post Code so that we can understand the pattern of demand across the parish and prioritise Charvil residents’ views. 

 If you would like to keep in touch on this subject, please indicate at end of the survey.


Thank you.


The survey will take about 3minutes to fill out


Web Link –

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