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New Collection Point for Woodley Foodbank at Charvil Village Hall

Items for Woodley Foodbank
Items wanted by Woodley Foodbank

Charvil Parish Council have started collecting items for the Woodley Foodbank at Charvil Village Hall.

Why Support Woodley Foodbank?

Unlike the Reading and Wokingham Foodbanks, Woodley does not benefit from donations from local supermarkets – instead it relies on donations collected in local Churches, Community Halls like ours.

As people are feeling the effects of the Cost-of-Living Crisis, donations are going down as demand is soaring.

If you would like to donate, the collection point is in the foyer, and will be open for donations when the hall is in use – if the car park is unlocked, then the Hall is usually open. Typically, the hall open most mornings and evenings during the week, and most afternoons at the weekend.

Items required include:

Tinned Soup,  Baked Beans,  Tinned potatoes,  Tinned tomatoes,   Tinned fruit,   Dry noodles,   Custard, Dry pasta, Fruit Squash, Dried Spaghetti    Tinned vegetables,  Toilet Rolls,  Plastic Bags,  Long life Milk, Rice pudding,  Rice, Biscuits,  Tinned meat,  Tinned tuna,  Other Tinned Fish, Pasta sauce,  Tea bags,    Tinned spaghetti,  Cereal, Beans/chickpeas, Sugar,  Coffee,   Small bottles of cooking oil, Toiletries/Sanitary Pads




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